like which of them reacts more naturally/responsive to the sound? What about Harmonic Distortion\Sound Color? which can do gain reduction in a more real way than the other? And so on. that's why i'm need of a more in-depth comparison between them. If i haven't demoed the Tube Tech i would be buying the UAD-2 without questions but now i'm not so sure.

So i believed in him blindly without questions until i demoed the Tube-Tech CL 1B and seeing/hearing it can do absurd levels of gain reduction while retaining the low end/punch in a pleasant/natural way compared to any other native plugins aswell. The first thing a friend of mine sayed about the UAD Comps when he purchased his UAD2 DUO is that they can deal with gain reduction in a more natural (preservative) and pleasant way than any other native comps. While i do respect and appreciate your vote i must emphasize that i need a direct comparison from someone who experienced the sound of both sides to hear differences/similarities.